Boston Cream Poke Cake Recipe

Boston Cream Poke Cake

with microwave chocolate ‘ganache’

boston cream poke cake slice

I only learned what a poke cake was within the last year. Once I learned it, it seemed like everyone I know was making poke cakes! Boston cream is my all-time favorite donut, so when my brother said he wanted chocolate cake, this was what I decided on. The original recipe calls for vanilla cake mix, but I made it with chocolate and it was delicious!

I was also looking for an easy recipe – some of these poke cake recipes can be quite intricate! I thought they were supposed to be cake mix, jello or pudding, and some frosting – easy peasy! I’m sure you could easily buy a can of frosting, but it might be difficult to spread over the pudding. This ‘microwave ganache’ is pretty simple and made with ingredients you should already have in the pantry.



1 box cake mix & ingredients it calls for – traditionally vanilla, but mix it up with chocolate or whatever sounds good!

Boston Cream:

1 box vanilla or French vanilla pudding mix & ingredients it calls for – again, unless you wanna mix it up!


1 1/2 cups sugar

3 tbsp. corn starch

4 1/2 tbsp. cocoa powder

1 1/2 cups boiling water [I boiled mine in the microwave in the same bowl I was going to microwave it all together in anyway 😉 ]

1 tsp. vanilla

1 tbsp. butter

[Or substitute a microwaved can of chocolate frosting!]

boston cream poke cake


Make the cake mix as instructed on the box in a 9×13 baking pan. Set it aside to cool when done.

After the cake is set aside cooling off, start making your pudding on the stove as instructed on the box. Stir constantly. Start boiling your water for the chocolate ‘ganache’ while you’re stirring the pudding.

Set the pudding aside to cool off. Mix your sugar, cornstarch, and cocoa powder into your bowl of boiling water. Microwave for 2 minutes. Stir. Microwave another 2 minutes. Stir in vanilla and butter and allow to cool.

Poke holes all over your cake. Spoon the vanilla pudding, which should be a little more thickened by now, all over your cake getting it into all of the holes and maybe even down the sides. 😉 Spread the ‘ganache’ over the top evenly.

Allow the cake to chill in the refrigerator for at 10-15 minutes, then serve & enjoy!

The earliest version I can find of this online is from The Country Cook, although the version with the ‘ganache’ comes from Oh, Bite It!

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