
Juicing in and of itself can be daunting to those who are new to it, let alone the part where you have to pick out a new appliance to accomplish all the cool new things you want to try to do. My first recommendation would be to find some books on the topic that interest you to see if there’s a particular trend in the type of appliance the authors are recommending. I would also make a list of things you intend to juice that you think might be awkward in just a regular blender, that way you can ask your salesperson qualifying questions about all the machines you might encounter to find the best fit for your individual needs.
Do NOT get suckered into whatever your friends tell you is the new best hot thing, unless your friend has been using said item for a number of years heavily and you trust their opinion. 😉 Fads come and go – these machines cost a lot of money! They will last forever if you get the right one that works for you.
As with anything, look at the type of warranty they offer and look at both positive and negative reviews to see if their customer service is reputable in case you have an issue. These machines are expensive and should last you many years if treated properly!!
Question 1 – Do you want to juice wheatgrass or other leafy greens?
Ok, you’ve decided it’s time to take a step up from your regular blender. You hear about how amazing the VitaMix is, but then there’s all these juicers, too, what’s the difference?
A VitaMix is still a blender, while an extremely powerful blender, everything you put into it pours out into your glass to drink, so if you want to add wheatgrass, you’re going to have some issues. I did find some tricks to extract the juice from the wheatgrass without a juicer, but it seems like a lot of extra work to me, personally.
VitaMix Professional Series blenders
If you don’t care about greens, then a VitaMix might be all you need. You can do all sorts of awesome things in the VitaMix like make your own nut butters, confectionary sugars, etc. so it’s a great addition to your home if you want to make more of your own pantry staples as well as juices and smoothies.
One last thing to remember is that blending your fruits and vegetables adds more oxygen (and with the VitaMix, possibly heat) which in turn reduces the amount of nutrients you are actually extracting from them.
(Don’t worry, I will cover the VitaMix and blenders in more detail in another blog post! This is just to help you figure out super-blender vs. juicer.)
Question 2 – What’s the difference between the types of juicers? (Or, as one friend said, “There’s more than one type of juicer?!?”)
Alright, so you do need to step into juicer land. But there are so many!! At least with the blenders, you know VitaMix is the next step up and that’s it! (Ok, that’s not really it, there’s a bazillion different VitaMix models and now the Ninja with their bazillion different models, too…another time!) But juicers…where to begin?!
The main difference between any juicer on the market is whether it is centrifugal, masticating, or triturating. What???
Centrifugal —> Masticating —> Triturating in this order is equal to:
Cost – lowest to highest
Nutrients extracted – lowest to highest
Speed – fastest to slowest
Foam produced – most to least
Noise – most to least
Assembly – easy to complex
Weight – light to heavy
Versatility – least to most
Omega centrifugal juicer
Centrifugal Juicers
Omega centrifugal juicer parts
Did you ever get to use a centrifuge in science class or see them use it on the TV shows when they are looking at blood samples? It’s a spinny-thing. 😉 It spins around really fast and separates substances of different densities, so with blood, you can tell what percentage of red blood cells are in it. It uses “centrifugal force”, thus its name. So, from this we can deduce a centrifugal juicer must spin around, yes? 🙂 On a juicer, it is basically a metal drum that has teeth inside of it to help rip the pulp to extract the juice.
These are the least expensive of the various juicer models and don’t have a lot of parts. Because they spin so fast, a lot of foam is produced. You also don’t retain a lot of the nutrients from what you’re juicing, so it’s recommended to drink the juice immediately after juicing to reap the benefits. The amount of juice extracted from the fruit and vegetables will also be lower than with the other styles, and they also aren’t as effective with wheatgrass or other leafy vegetables.
Breville Juice Fountain
I personally think they are kind of messy to clean up because you have to get all the pulp out of the interior. I know the Omega brand centrifugal juicer has the option of purchasing filters to make cleanup easier, but even using those I still found it to be quite messy. The Breville Juice Fountain comes with a pulp container, but I would assume the interior still needs to be cleaned like the Omega. However, I don’t have experience with this! It just makes sense as to how they work; the Breville obviously just pushes most of the pulp into another receptacle after tearing it apart in the centrifugal portion. The Juice Fountain does claim to extract more nutrients because its design reduces contact in the centrifugal piece, which is where the oxygen is coming into play.
Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer is a centrifugal style juicer. It has a really large feed chute, which is really all that I can tell that sets it apart from other centrifugal juicers. There are different models, some of which have similar features to the Breville Juice Fountain. Remember that you do still need to take large, hard pits out of fruits, so you might still have to do a little prep work despite its large feed tube. I had a roommate who really loved these, but mentioned that she often had to replace parts on it, yet she still swore by them. She found the machines and/or their parts at Goodwill frequently and purchased them anytime she found them so that she’d have the spare parts! That doesn’t scream endurance to me, but obviously she liked it.
Jack LaLanne Power Juicer Pro
De’Longhi, Cuisinart, and Krups now also make centrifugal juicers, too!
Masticating Juicers
Masticating style juicers are what most serious juicers are probably going to own, or wish they owned, at least. These folks are more into their wheatgrass and greens and extracting more nutrients out of what they are juicing, as well. Why does that word sound familiar? Masticate. Ah – Chewing! Crushing food by grinding. And they do utilize an auger, just like a food grinder. Crazy! They actually make these in horizontal and upright styles, and each can do different things.
Omega Vert juicer
I am going to assume the mindset of folks owning these is similar to my own, which is that all serious electric juicers are expensive, so you might as well get the one that pulls more nutrients out of the produce you’re spending all that money on, while not completely breaking the bank on the even more expensive triturating style juicer. While these do have more parts than a centrifugal juicer, I personally find clean up to be much more simple because very little fruit remains on the individual parts and they are also small and easy to rinse under the faucet.
Omega Vert juicer parts
Omega’s Vert Juicer has a pulp ejection container as well as the juice container, so that makes it easier if you want to use the pulp – and there ARE ways to utilize your pulp afterwards! (Google, people!) I think this juicer is just extremely fun to use and really simple, so it’s my personal favorite. You literally just shove fruit and veggies into the top and it does its thing and plops the juice into one container and the pulp in another. Voila!
Omega Nutrition Center
The Omega Nutrition Center Juicer is their original masticating juicer, and it’s pretty simple to use, too, but since it can do so many more things besides juice, there are a lot more interchangeable parts. This machine is horizontal (Vert is…you guessed it, vertical!) and can also extrude pasta and soy milk, grind and mince coffee and herbs, make baby food, nut butters and frozen desserts. So this is obviously an amazing choice if you need the machine to do a little bit more of what you might want to do in a blender and makes this more of a comparison to a VitaMix than the other juicers. This machine doesn’t necessarily come with containers to catch the juice and the pulp (there is one small container with a sieve piece to help filter your juice more afterwards if it’s still pulpy); the juice comes out of the bottom of the “drum” and the pulp or anything else you make with the machine comes out of the front end of the “drum cap”.
Nutrition Center parts (similar pieces are interchangeable)
Omega seem to be consistently rated the top juicers in the ‘masticating’ category on most juicing sites I have discovered, and I honestly never had any customer complaints or returns with their machines, so I would definitely highly recommend Omega. However, there are other brands!
The Breville Juice Fountain Crush just came out in 2013 so there aren’t a lot of reviews available yet, but their centrifugal Juice Fountain is so highly regarded, I am sure this is going to be a really good model to try. Other brands that seem relatively popular include Hurom, Kuvings, Champion, & Big Boss. Krups has also just come out with a masticating juicer, too.
Breville Juice Fountain Crush
Triturating Juicers
Trituration is the act of grinding, like with powders in a mortar and pestle. Triturating juicers are the most expensive on the market and I have no experience with them at all, unfortunately. This type of juicer will extract the most juice of all the options because it uses very powerful twin gears that crush almost anything you put into them dry.
Angel juicer
Since triturating machines grind and crush, you can also use them as a food mill. They work rather slowly in order to keep the oxygen out and retain the nutrients, but because of this are virtually silent when operating. Very little foam is produced using this method and of course wheatgrass and greens are great in them. They can even crush harder fruits like guava, and also crushes seeds to extract their juices, too! (Be cautious – some pits can have poisonous effects and are not recommended to be eaten so know your pits and seeds!) Triturating juicers are of course very large and heavy, so storage space and having to move it around frequently might be a concern.
I would say these machines are for people who definitely have the money and the space, and to spend this kind of money on a juicer you are probably extremely serious and juice several times a day, or really just have a lot of money to spend on stuff you don’t need! 😛
Green Star juicer
The only two brands I can really seem to find, but both seem very highly recommended on juicing sites are Green Star & Green Power Juicers and Angel Juicers. Green Star & Green Power were the mostly widely recognized name and several models seemed to be recommended across several sites.
Wheatgrass Juicers
Weston manual wheatgrass juicer
You can get both manual and electric wheatgrass-only juicers. I’ve never actually utilized one of these. The Miracle brand seems to have a few electric wheatgrass juicer models that can also handle other leafy greens, soft fruits and berries, but normally these machines are only for wheatgrass.
Miracle electric wheatgrass juicer
Electric Citrus Juicers
Just to add clarification, there are a lot of juicers made by all the brand names you are used to seeing on your other kitchen appliances. Most of these look very similar to a countertop glass or ceramic citrus juicer on the top, and that’s because that’s the only thing they can juice are citrus fruits. These are great for people who just like to make their own fresh orange juice or have a home bar and like to squeeze fresh citrus juice quickly and easily. Or, a summertime lemonade stand! 🙂
Cuisinart electric citrus juicers
I have always had good luck with the Cuisinart juicer, and a lot of customers were excited when Bodum released theirs because it has two speeds, although it doesn’t look like Bodum is marketing the juicer anymore so perhaps production has stopped. There are still a lot of places to purchase it online and the price doesn’t look any lower, haha!
Breville citrus juicer
Breville also makes one, as does Black and Decker, Waring Pro, Krups, Proctor Silex, Hamilton Beach, and many more!
Manual Citrus Juicers
We might as well round it out with the classics since we’ve talked about EVERYTHING else! We’re almost done, I promise!
You’ve got your basic glass or ceramic citrus juicer that’s kind of like a dish. Pretty much all stores sell the same brands from the same distributors like Harold Import Co.
Ceramic countertop citrus juicer
Brands like Chef’n and Prepara have gadgetized that classic idea with storage and measuring devices for the juice to fall into. I really like the Chef’n Juicester because of the measuring piece – it even has small measurement markings. Cleverly, I must say, you can just tilt the Juicester to the small measurement side to see how many teaspoons you’ve got! (The Juicester XL does NOT have the measurements, presumably because you want a lot of juice, not a little!)
Chef’N Juicester measuring teaspoons!
You’ve got citrus reamers – in plastic/melamine, stainless steel, and wood. (You want something non-reactive since citrus is acidic.) Oh, and now there’s even silicone!
Zak! melamine citrus reamers
Hand-held citrus squeezers (I really like the idea of the 2-in-1 Lemon & Lime juicer at the bottom!).
Chef’n hand held lime squeezer
And then there’s the big honking manual bar juicers. Most actual bars will own a commercial juice press, and popular brands include Cilio (search through the “Products —> Bar”), Amco’s OrangeX (I am wondering if I can’t find a direct manufacturer link because the juicers are sold through commercial distributors only??), Metrokane, and the Hamilton Beach Commercial Citrus Juicer.
cilio commercial juice press
Alright guys & gals, I am juicer-ed out! I learned a ton researching this blog – I would have been a WAY better salesperson if I had to write an essay like this about them, haha!. I must admit that in doing all this research that I also feel it’s the most comprehensive thing I’ve seen about juicers online, so take that, internet! 🙂

Fuchsia Saturday

Alright, confession time. I want to upgrade my blog site because I want the ability to have a little more organization and tabs so that I may also share recipes I have tweaked as well as gardening information! I have learned SO MUCH about gardening in just the last year and continue to learn more every day, and have found that a lot of my friends want that knowledge, too. So why not share! Plus, another confession, it’s SPRING and all I have is yard work on the brain, so it’s REALLY hard to focus on researching appliance information. I’m sorry! I really am working on a juicer blog!
So here is a peek at what happened in my garden this weekend!

Fred Meyer’s Fuchsia Saturday Ad


For one thing, I think I will finally remember how to spell fuchsia. YES! We moved into our house a little over a year ago and the previous owners left us a lot of trash, but also a lot of helpful items, too. Two nice black metal hanging baskets were left behind and I saw an ad for Fred Meyer (in the Kroger family of grocery stores) advertising for Fuchsia Saturday last year. Bring your own planters (up to 8), buy some flowers, and they will give you free Black Gold dirt. I took my baskets in and was smart enough (I thought) to arrive fairly early. They were already sold out of the fiber planter inserts you need for the baskets. Grrr. Home I went. Probably best that I save money for other projects anyway, right?
Fiber planter insert

This year, I am prepared! I bought the inserts at Lowe’s in February! Ha! I also got an ad that directed me to this video link they provide on how to plant and care for fuchsias, which totally helped me pick out the proper number of starts to purchase for my baskets. You want to have about an inch around the perimeter of the basket or pot, and you can just kind of set the starts on top of a little dirt and fill in around them until they are lightly packed in.

I probably could have stretched it to six, but I did five per basket. I did “Winston Churchill” in one and “Dollar Princess” in the other. And of course, I still arrived early and it was buzzing with action already, so I think that was a wise choice!

They need morning light and evening shade, so I ended up buying a new hook to install on the front porch. Which might get too much light. We’ll see! Hopefully by next year I will learn more about annuals and hanging basket arrangements, haha!
Miracle Gro Liquafeed system

You’re supposed to feed them often, so now I’m trying to figure out how to use all of the Miracle Gro Liquafeed refills the previous owners left behind for us in a normal spray bottle, versus the hose attachment you’re supposed to use. (My preference would be to spray them with a bottle versus changing the hose head just for two silly planters! I live in the Pacific Northwest – I rarely require Miracle Gro!)

I am going to trust this information I found on a gardening forum: “The Liquafeed refills are the same product as the 12-4-8 Liquid All Purpose Plant Food, which says to apply at 1/3 capful per 2 gallons. A capful is about 4 tbsp or 12 teaspoons, so 1/3 of that is 4 tsp/2 gallons or 2 tsp per gallon.” Hopefully that works!

I will definitely make this an annual event to take advantage of the free dirt and free labor to plant my stuff for me! I will also be sure to bring other planters if I have any more to fill next year. I am hoping to fill two with succulents (this year? Maybe…), so I may not need to.

Winston Churchill in my back yard

I will definitely share pictures if and when these babies bloom! Oh, and another tip from the video is to squeeze above the flower when they die so another flower will grow. Hopefully I make it to that point!! 🙂

Other than that, I got new gardening gloves while I was at Freddy’s! They are lovely! I divvied up two different varieties of daffodil bulbs that were getting overcrowded and had stopped blooming for this year. I planted some of the extra bulbs in other places in my yard and set the rest aside for a friend who is filling her new yard with goodies! I’m so glad I have someone to give all of my extras to – goodness knows I have plenty more to share when I get around to digging everything up!
Weed B Gon

My brother spread more weed and feed on the lawn in trouble spots. It worked really well last year on our front lawn/dandelion garden so this year we only have random spots to deal with. We had dug up a ridiculously large pile the two weeks previous to this, so it was high time for chemical warfare. I got a spray bottle to put my Ortho Weed B Gon weed killer into (because I didn’t store it properly and the hose must’ve clogged up over the winter. Whoops! Read the instructions, kids!) I did all the silly dandelions growing out of the cracks you can’t possibly dig them out of. Die, weeds, die!

My biggest weekend project was pressure washing our deck, which we inherited in pretty terrible shape! (Ah, the things you don’t pay attention to when buying your first home, hahaha!) Surprise – there’s wood under there! Next will be weather-sealing it. I’m so glad we’re finally getting around to doing this because we have to ice skate across it anytime it rains (which c’mon, we’re in Oregon, people, it’s always raining!) and I don’t want someone getting injured out there.

Pacific Northwest problems…

Phew – I am exhausted! I hope you all had a productive or else relaxing weekend! 🙂

Dollar Princess on the front porch

Pressure Cookers (Stovetop & Electric)

Pressure cookers have been making a big comeback over the last decade. Gone are the days of a shaky pot spitting hot steam out at your face. Safety features abound and they’ve even gone from the stovetop to the countertop in many electric models.

How Does a Pressure Cooker Work?

A pressure cooker, stovetop or electric, has a gasket seal on the lid piece that makes it impossible for steam to escape from inside of the cooking vessel once locked into place. As you heat the water/food inside the vessel, the water turns to vapor. Since the steam cannot escape, its molecules will increase velocity, which will increase pressure on the surface of the liquid and the also increase the temperature of the water.*


Why Pressure Cook?

  • Fast – steam cooks food faster than dry cooking methods
  • Nutritional – steamed food retain vitamins and nutrients better than other cooking methods
  • One pot – easy cleanup
  • Braising – works well with foods that require water infusion or braising methods
  • Safe – food is cooked above boiling point, killing most bacteria and micro-organisms
  • Pressure Canning – if you get a large enough pressure cooker, you can also use it for pressure canning. Some people don’t trust themselves to get the time/temperature correct when using a regular pot for canning.
    • Or purchase a pressure canner, which is essentially the same thing, it just won’t have the fancy handles and locks like a stovetop pressure cooker.

Most people really love pressure cookers for cooking beans, artichokes, and making soup stocks.

Fissler pressure cooker pans with pressure lid,
glass lid and perforated insert pan

Things to Consider With Both Stovetop and Electric Pressure Cookers:

  • Gaskets wear out (like they would on anything requiring a gasket seal), so I would recommend making sure you can find replacement ones.
  • On that note, making sure any parts are replaceable is key, in my opinion.
  • Reviews on pressure cookers can be tough, because a lot of people are overwhelmed when they finally get it home, don’t use it properly, etc. Reviews on anything, in general, tends to be on the negative side since people with positive experiences don’t feel the urge to get online and complain! So make sure you really do your homework and check reviews from several sources. Cook’s Illustrated and Consumer Reports are high-quality resources.
  • With something that can be considered so dangerous, I personally would spend more to get the top-rated brands. I don’t want to skimp on materials to save a couple of bucks!
  • Find pressure cooker cookbooks that appeal to you. I would refer to something published versus a recipe you find on the internet (unless you know it’s a reputable source!), just like with canning (or pressure canning!) You don’t want to assume everyone knows their internal meat cooking temperatures, etc. At least this isn’t canning and you can always throw your food in a pot on the stove afterwards if it’s not cooked properly!
  • The European Union has very strict standards on pressurized equipment (pressure equipment directive), so if you are still worried, I would look for a European brand to have comfort in knowing it has to be up to par.
  • Everything has to be cooked at once, and some foods don’t taste quite right with the addition of water required to use the cooker.
  • You have to reduce pressure just to inspect the food while cooking, so that is discouraged. It’s recommended to aim to undercook versus overcook, since you can always continue cooking if it’s not done yet.
Duromatic pressure cookers and accessories

Stovetop Pressure Cookers

Stovetop pressure cookers aren’t what they used to be. Every model I have seen now comes with two ways to release the pressure buildup; a release button on the handle, and the old-school way, by running water over the lid.

All new stovetop pressure cooker lids are shaped in a way or designed in a way that forces the hot steam downwards, away from the cook’s face. They also won’t open until the pressure has been fully released.

You can use your pressure cooker pan as a regular pan without the lid, and my favorite brand, Fissler, actually makes a set that comes with a glass lid, a pressure lid, and two different sized pots that you can interchange the lids between for pressure and regular cooking. I know Kuhn Rikon sells the glass lids with certain cookers and separately. I’m sure other brands must also make glass lids, as well.

Fissler & Kuhn Rikon also make a bunch of really cool accessory pieces if you really want to get into using your pressure cooker as an essential kitchen tool. Who knew you could make a cheesecake in a pressure cooker?

Fissler is made in Germany. They have a unique indicator system that they’ve actually improved upon so you can really see what pressure level you are at; it uses the “traffic light” color model. Their newer models have cool features like an electronic digital readout and a pressure-free steam setting. They are also just very well-marked, making them almost fool-proof to get together and lock into place, unlike some other brands can be.

Kuhn Rikon’s Duromatic, is made in Switzerland. And yes, the pressure cookers are still made there, I know that a lot of their smaller gadgets are not. You can order replacement parts, so that is positive, as well. They’ve pretty much been producing the same cookers for a long time, so they are definitely sturdy and reliable, I just say they’re my second favorite because Fissler has so many cool features. They are both high quality pieces of kitchen equipment, and actually now that pressure cooking is becoming popular again, Kuhn Rikon are starting to revamp their wares again, so check them out!

Fagor is supposed to be a very good inexpensive alternative to these two, so I would recommend checking that brand out above anything else since it had a good rating with Cook’s Illustrated, but I personally have no knowledge about them.

Cuisinart electric pressure cooker

Electric Pressure Cookers

Electric pressure cookers are a great ease if you have room for another countertop appliance in your home. The biggest difference from the stovetop is that you can’t use this as a regular pot on the stove. You can, however, use most of them as slow cookers. Depending on the settings yours comes with, you should also be able to brown or sauté, so you have the potential to use it without pressure.

The safety features on these should really just be that it won’t start unless it’s all locked into place properly. If you are doing slow release, you don’t even have to let the pressure out yourself, it does it for you. (Fast release, you push a lever.)

I am really only familiar with the Cuisinart model; most other models are very new to the market over the last decade and the companies producing them are constantly changing the machines so you generally never see the exact same ones twice. Cuisinart has been making pretty much the same model for longer than that, proving it’s sturdiness and reliability. You can buy replacement parts easily, it comes with a rack and a nice recipe book, along with a 3-year warranty.

* http://www.edinformatics.com/math_science/science_of_cooking/science_of_pressure_cooking.htm

Guest Blog: My First Electric Pressure Cooker

Actually this is my second pressure cooker. The first one I ordered sat in the box until I finally sent it back – I was too scared to use it! The second one, the Cuisinart CPC-600, was a gift for Christmas. Couldn’t send that one back! So I read the directions that came with it. And read them again. Then read a ton of recipes. Then the directions again! And found a step-by-step video made by Cuisinart showing the pressure cooker being used. A friend said she would walk me through the first time cooking, and we picked a recipe to cook together. (On the phone, two states away!) She has been using her pressure cooker for over a year and has experimented with it a lot! It was Vikki‘s idea to have us guest blog as the Rookie and the Pro 🙂

So here are all of my ingredients. I was so nervous!
Cuisinart CPC-600

The only picture I didn’t take was one of myself sitting on a stool on the other side of the kitchen after I started the pressure cooker! I was talking to my friend on the phone and I thought she would laugh herself silly. We chose a recipe from Comfortable Under Pressure by Meredith Laurence – aka The Blue Jean Chef. (If you have her cookbook, the recipe is on page 62.) I think having a good step-by-step recipe to follow really helped. Meredith’s book is the only one I have read so far because it came so highly recommended by my friend.

I have wanted a pressure cooker for a very long time. It has been getting to the point that I don’t want to cook after work, so the idea of being able to put a meal on the table so quickly was very appealing. All of the cooking shows I watch (and yes, the shopping channels!) make it look so easy to use a pressure cooker. And the food looks so good and the meat looks so tender! I went back and forth forever trying to decide yes or no and if yes, which one did I want. I would send Vikki links, etc. – what do you think of this one or that one. Never did make up my mind so Vikki and her brother did it for me! (Yes, the gifted pressure cooker was from them!)

My prep work doesn’t normally look this pretty,
but I knew I would be taking pictures 🙂

So. It was way, way easier than I thought it was going to be. It actually took me longer to prep the food than it did to cook it! One thing I did learn was patience. When it says in the directions that time varies for the cooker to reach pressure, it means it can vary! I thought I had done something wrong because it was making a noise but it wasn’t starting. I knew the lid was secure as I had checked at least three times. But the timer sat at 8 minutes and was not moving. On the phone my friend kept saying, “Just wait! Give it time, it has to reach that high temp”.  And of course she was laughing at me! I am sure all you other pros are laughing, too.  🙂

Vikki can tell you all the technical stuff about pressure cookers. For me, most pressure cookers I have looked at all look the same and do pretty much the same things. Some just pressure cook. Some also brown and sauté as well. In my opinion, if you are going to invest in a machine, the more things it can do the better! (One setting that mine does not have is a medium temperature setting – only high and low.)

The browning and sauté settings serve two purposes. Beside the obvious, it starts raising the temperature of the machine. That lessens the time it takes to reach pressure once you go from browning mode to pressure mode. After the meat was browned, it was removed from the pot. The other ingredients were added, the chicken placed back in. Sealed the lid properly, pushed the buttons for temp and time, then walked away! It really was that simple. And not scary at all 🙂                          

Everything is in the pot ready to go!

One thing I would highly recommend is a good cook book. Check a few out from the library before you decide which type works best for you. A beginner-type book with simple step-by-step instructions and pictures is what I needed! Some recipes will include the time for the machine reaching pressure along with the cooking time.

Get comfortable with the pressure cooker by using easy recipes to start with. Or don’t even start with a recipe – boil water, make rice, steam a vegetable. And play with it – take it apart, see which part goes where, practice putting the lid on and locking it. The instruction booklet that came with mine is fantastic! As well as very clear, concise directions, it also had a lot of recipes and charts of cooking times for meats, vegetables, etc.

Watching the countdown from across the kitchen.

The Cuisinart is a highly recommended brand of pressure cooker. Replacement parts are easy to come by and it has been around for a long time. It is so very safe to use! You can not push any of the buttons to pressure cook unless the lid is secure. With all the stories of pressure cooker disasters, that was a very important aspect for me. And clean up is a breeze! The pot lifts right out (not heavy) and washes right up (non-stick). It is dishwasher safe, too, but even if I had a dishwasher I would baby it and hand wash it only. The sealing gasket is also removable for cleaning and when you need to replace it, as well.

And YOU were sooooo scared ……… LOL 🙂

 And Voila – the finished dish!
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts with oranges and peppers.
Cook time on high pressure: 8 minutes!

Next project: using the pressure cooker as a slow cooker! I just found a really simple recipe for corned beef and cabbage I might try!

Thank you, Vikki, for my pressure cooker (and Nick)! And thank you for inviting me to guest blog – although I can’t imagine who wants to read what I have to say LOL 🙂 It is going to be fun finding new ways to use my cooker and new things to cook! Let the adventure begin!

The Rookie aka Sue aka Vikki’s Mom

Ceramic & Glass Dinnerware & Bakeware Brand Information

I know, I know, THIS is the ceramic blog you’ve all been impatiently waiting for! Enough with the boring stuff, tell me what brands to buy!! 😛

As with everything I write about, personal preference trumps all! This is what I have seen, heard, and learned. Someone could have had the completely opposite experience. What matters is that the brand you buy has good customer service and normally delivers quality product. Please leave comments, email me, etc. and let me know your experience – good or bad – with a different line of products not listed here.

Vintage Pyrex
Vintage Pyrex

Let me put it another way; ANY brand can have a manufacturing defect, even the fancy ones. However, a reputable manufacturer (and for that matter, a reputable sales outlet) will replace these easily and at no cost to you. For years I helped what I thought were persnickity snobs examine their dinnerware piece by piece, and so I became a ninja at spotting the tiniest of imperfections. Some of these are super ridiculous, like, on the bottom of the plate?? Seriously? Or a tiny pinhole nobody would notice. But sometimes the color has a flaw – maybe the bowls got too close to each other during the glaze phase and they didn’t get a full coating. 99.9% of imperfections don’t matter, technically, because the pieces have been heated and it won’t do you any physical harm. But I know what really matters, and it’s what it LOOKS LIKE! 🙂 So when I bought my own Fiesta dinnerware, you bet your bottom I was ninja inspecting every single piece! Even the bottoms! 🙂 (Which is the perk of buying “open stock” versus sets. This will always vary by store, but most stores do not offer open stock, FYI.)

A good website to find discontinued dinnerware pieces is Replacements, Ltd.

Sonoma (TAG) Dinnerware & Other Inexpensive Ceramic Brands

Tag Sonoma dinnerware
Tag Sonoma dinnerware

This is some really good looking stuff, and I think it’s similar in both price and quality to stuff you’d find at Target or Bed, Bath & Beyond, store brands or something by Rachel Ray. These brands all usually have really cute prints, particularly for holidays or something. Sonoma dinnerware is nice because it’s in that price range but they keep making it, versus it being a seasonal item for the big box stores. The company also has pretty darn good quality control and I very rarely had off-color pieces come through the store I worked at. The downfall of any of these less expensive brands is that although they are dishwasher safe, they are not safe from your dishwasher and are prone to chipping in there. You can be pretty much guaranteed that the inexpensive brands are all going to be made in China.

I want to take a moment to say that while I call these ceramics “inexpensive”, I don’t make a ton of money and by no means do I think that ANY ceramics are that inexpensive unless you can find them on clearance! But compared to the brands not manufactured in China, Sonoma & Rachel Ray are cheaper.

Rachel Ray dinnerware
Rachel Ray dinnerware

My first ceramic set of dinnerware was made for Target, and had really fun Hawaiian prints on them. One year later, handwashing only, mind you, I had one bowl left from a 16-piece set. It was 50% off when I bought it, but still very expensive to me at that time in my life, so I honestly expected it to last longer based on the price. I still have that one bowl, and it’s my “junk” bowl that I don’t care about what happens to it, so it goes in the microwave and dishwasher. It has crazing all over it, and a chip on the rim.

Waechtersbach Dinnerware

"You are special today" plate
“You are special today” plate

Some people only know this brand as the “Red Plate Dinnerware” because they are pretty infamous for their “You Are Special Today” line of goodies. Others know them as the easier to remember name “Fun Factory“. Their Fun Factory line is a delightfully bright-colored line of dinnerware that is the most commonly found in the US of all the lines they manufacture. All of their ceramics are made in Germany and are the next level of sturdiness up from Sonoma and other inexpensive ceramic brands.

Waechtersbach dinnerware
Waechtersbach dinnerware

Waechtersbach dinnerware holds up a lot longer in the dishwasher, but are not exempt from chipping if the situation is just right. However, I had a roommate who collected all red Fun Factory dishes at thrift stores and we had one of those little junky dishwashers that you had to roll over to the sink and hook it up to run it…let’s just say the number of roommates in the house and the fact that this couple was older and had a history of many more roommates…I cannot believe these dishes lasted in the dishwasher, especially the way we crammed everything in there. So they are tough, for sure!!

The Fun Factory dinnerware is microwave and dishwasher safe, but not all of their lines are microwave safe so make sure you read the label! The red glaze in Waechtersbach does get pretty warm in the microwave, so beware!

Chantal Bakeware

Chantal Make and Take bakeware
Chantal Make and Take bakeware

Chantal makes a really nice line of bakeware that is oven, microwave, dishwasher and freezer safe. It is really easy to clean up and very durable. They are not a very well-known company, but most people own at least one of their ceramic pie plates and don’t even know it! They revamped their designs a few years ago, changed the colors to be a tad more bold, and offer handles that are easier to actually grip. The coolest thing is their Make and Take line of bakeware offers a silicone gasket seal that is removable around the lid. This makes it very easy to transport these pieces without worrying about spillage, or for marinating something in the refrigerator. The silicone is BPA free, dishwasher safe, and oven safe up to 425 degrees. You can also write on the ceramic surface of the Make and Take with a permanent marker and it will wash off with warm, soapy water, making it easy to label your potluck recipes and get your bakeware back!

Le Creuset Dinnerware and Bakeware

Le Creuset dinnerware

Le Creuset is probably in-line with or another step above Waechtersbach durability-wise. Neither are single-fire, but both are high-fire lines of ceramic making them a lot more durable. I have not personally sold or used the dinnerware, but I do own a few pieces of the bakeware, and it cleans up like a dream! All of their stoneware is made in France and comes with a limited warranty. All pieces are microwave, oven, broiler, freezer and dishwasher safe. Yes, you can put your soup bowl in the oven! Le Creuset stoneware can go to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.

Le Creuset stoneware molds, just like their cast iron molds, are broken after the dish is created. Therefore they consider each piece to be unique and hand-made, meaning what you might see as a slight imperfection is just part of it’s uniqueness. They expect slight variances from piece to piece.

Emile Henry Dinnerware and Bakeware

Emile Henry dinnerware and bakeware
Emile Henry dinnerware and bakeware

Emile Henry is made in France, and as mentioned in a previous blog, does not utilize glazes to color their pieces, but naturally occurring metal oxides. A lot of people enjoy their dinnerware because while colored on the outside, the bowls, mugs and bakeware are white on the interior so you can still have that whiteware presentation for your meals while still including very bold colors.

Emile Henry is high-fire, meaning it only goes in the kiln once at a very high temperature, making it the strongest ceramic! In fact, not only can it also go in the freezer, it can actually go from the freezer directly to your oven, AS LONG AS YOU WARM IT UP WITH THE OVEN. Emily Henry is of course microwave and dishwasher safe, and cleans up beautifully, as well.

Fiesta Dinnerware and Bakeware

A lot of people call Fiesta “Fiestaware” which is incorrect, although by Googling it that wouldn’t be the case. Since most people don’t differentiate you will find a lot of links and images labeled “Fiestaware” but there are actually companies that have manufactured Spanish-looking ceramics that they call “Fiestaware”, like this set:

Fiestaware – not Fiesta dinnerware!

Fiesta dinnerware and bakeware, like Emile Henry, is high-fire. Microwave, oven, dishwasher and freezer safe, it can go freezer to oven AS LONG AS YOU WARM IT UP WITH THE OVEN. (Sorry, I cannot stress that enough!) Cleans up really easily, and the best part, it’s made in the USA by the Homer-Loughlin Company.

Fiesta dinnerware
Fiesta dinnerware

People who are familiar with very old Fiesta dinnerware and bakeware might bring up lead concerns, however, it is has been lead free since 1986. They cannot make the claim of 100% lead free because all ceramics have trace amounts of lead in their raw materials that are tested and deemed appropriate levels.

temp-tations Dinnerware & Bakeware

From all of the complaining I have heard, I think temp-tations is the Made in China, affordable option to Le Creuset, Emile Henry, & Fiesta. It is high fire, so it can go freezer to oven (warm up with the oven!!), and is microwave and dishwasher safe. It cleans up very easily and the patterns are really pretty. The bakeware pieces are great because a lot of them serve multiple purposes as both bake- and serveware.

temp-tations dinnerware
temp-tations dinnerware

However, despite their claims that production hasn’t changed at all, customer satisfaction seems to be declining. Their customer service sounds extremely reputable, though, so you will be able to get your damaged or badly painted items replaced without any trouble, but I wouldn’t want to risk that hassle to begin with, personally. I have been gifted a few pieces and like I said, cute prints and easy cleanup – no troubles in the dishwasher! However, of the two sets I was given, the pattern was supposed to be the same and they are completely different shades of orange. They are not things I will ever use side-by-

temp-tations bakeware
temp-tations bakeware

side, and on clearance, so I can live with that!

One great thing temp-tations bakeware does offer that is seemingly unique at the moment are ceramic muffin and mini muffin pans. I did find a generic ceramic muffin pan at Cost Plus World Market, but other than that nothing else has populated in my online searches!

10 Strawberry Street Dinnerware

10 Strawberry Street dinnerware
10 Strawberry Street dinnerware

I am unable to find supporting evidence, but I think that 10 Strawberry Street was bought out by another company. I recall it disappearing from all the higher-end stores for a time, and now I’m seeing it at Target and Walmart in my online searches. Their website is for wholesalers, but their “About Me” says that “Ten Strawberry Street currently manufactures and imports dinnerware, glassware, flatware and serve ware from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Poland, Germany and Belgium.” I know it was very popular and customers were very disappointed when they couldn’t find it anymore. It is porcelain dinnerware, meaning it’s extremely durable, and their “Basic” line is the most popular for food service. Since they have allegedly changed hands over the years, I don’t want to give any false hope, but their former reputation speaks highly of their durability.

BIA Cordon Bleu Dinnerware and Bakeware

BIA ceramic ramekins
BIA ceramic ramekins

BIA Cordon Bleu is another line of white porcelain, and of course being porcelain, it’s also highly durable and used widely in the food service industry. A lot of stores will at least sell their serveware and white bakeware if they don’t sell the actual dinnerware.

Like 10 Strawberry Street, BIA is a wholesaler that has a variety of products made in different countries. They do carry a few French lines; they also carry some colored ceramic lines and distribute Danesco kitchen gadgets, as well. Most of the generic white ceramics you buy are probably made by BIA and you didn’t even realize it, like ramekins, for instance.

Deruta Italian Ceramics

Deruta hand-painted designs
Deruta hand-painted designs

Deruta is the city in Italy that is famous for majolica, a type of tin-glazed pottery, that has been in creation since before the Renaissance. Deruta still produces handmade, hand-painted ceramics you can buy today. With the exception of their dinnerware needing to be stamped to ensure uniformity, the rest of their pieces are all hand-painted by artists and signed on the bottom by the person who painted the piece. I can’t find much use and care advice on their page, but an importer recommends they are only dishwasher safe on the “china” setting if you have one, or else a very light wash setting. Avoid abrasive scrubs and cleansers, and do not put in the microwave or oven. I think this is due to another claim that extreme temperature changes will cause crazing, which of course doesn’t hurt the piece, it just doesn’t look great. Deruta’s site claims that they will last generations if handled properly, however, and says they are very sturdy.

Sur la Table carries a line of Deruta-Style Dinnerware that is crafted in Italy exclusively for them that’s a little more affordable than the other stuff, but it’s still pretty expensive.

Corelle, CorningWare, & Pyrex

CorningWare stovetop baker in a modern print
CorningWare stovetop baker in a modern print

Corning, Inc. (Corning Glass Works), were the American manufacturers of Corelle, Corningware, and Pyrex  until they sold the majority interest of their consumer production lines to World Kitchen in 1998. Corning is and always has been known for the strength and durability of its unique glass products. I can’t find any specific information regarding whether any of these are still made in the US or not. World Kitchen‘s website says they produce in the US, Canada, and the Asia-Pacific region. On other web resources (that aren’t 100% reliable so I’m not linking to them), I am finding claims that certain lines or certain pieces of Corelle and CorningWare are still made in the USA, but you have to check carefully. The CorningWare Wikipedia entry leads me to believe that in 2001 when two US factories were closed we may have lost our American manufacturing of Corelle & CorningWare. Maybe the pieces we’re finding still made here are just leftovers? You can email their Customer Service and ask, or possibly the packaging will let you know where it’s made.

Corning does still have a its homebase in Corning, New York and still manufactures things, however, they primarily focus on screens for electronics, laboratory glass, and telecommunications fiber optic cable and hardware. You can visit the Corning Museum of Glass to learn about over 35 centuries of glass and even make your own glass while you are there!

Corelle dinnerware
Corelle dinnerware

Corelle is a tempered glass product that’s composition allows it to be lighter and thinner than most ceramic products. It’s still the same stuff they’ve been producing since 1970, so everyone in my family at least used to own Corelle. Like my family, I know many people who have the story about that one person in their family that managed to break a Corelle dish, despite the numerous other times they were dropped! Corelle dinnerware is both microwave and dishwasher safe, and there are no edges so you don’t have to worry about scratching if you stack your dinnerware. I plan to supplement my Fiesta dinnerware with some Corelle in the very near future! It’s a very great price for something that will last forever.

CorningWare bakeware - NOT stovetop safe!!
CorningWare bakeware – NOT stovetop safe!!

CorningWare is a unique pyroceramic glass cookware that is very unique in that it could go directly on the stovetop. Unfortunately they removed CorningWare from the market in the late 90s. A company in France called Pyroflam (distributed by ARC International) is the only manufacturer of vitroceramics in the world and they create a line for CorningWare, now. The lids cannot go directly on a burner or over an open flame, it must be on the base because it is not vitroceramic glass. World Kitchen also manufactures ceramics that are NOT stovetop safe, so I would assume that’s why the removed the burner image from their original logo. Make sure you read the label and instructions before buying the wrong thing!

Pyrex is now tempered glass and is actually still made in the USA and according to this customer service announcement, and despite it no longer being made of borosilicate glass, it is still safe to use. Because people have experienced exploding Pyrex, there have been rumors floating around that this occurs because of the tempered soda-lime glass now used, but as I said, that article as well as the Consumer Product Safety Commission and other sources say it’s safe. As with everything, make sure you read the use and care instructions.

Pyrex glass bakeware
Pyrex glass bakeware

Pyrex’s video guide says not to use it in the broiler (despite many Pinterest recipes telling you otherwise – don’t believe everything you read!), make sure you put a little liquid under anything if the whole pan isn’t covered (like meat versus making a casserole, make sure there is liquid under the meat), preheat the oven, and use a cloth potholder – don’t put it on the stove burners, a metal trivet or a cold counter. I would say make sure the pan is room temperature if you’ve refrigerated something to bake later because just like ceramic, extreme temperature changes are not good for glass either. As with the Corelle, I know many people who have the story of that one person in their family that manages to blow up Pyrex, and we all assume by their personalities that it was probably their fault despite their claims of it being otherwise!


There are many brands of glass dinnerware and bakeware, and since we’ve talked about how ceramic becomes glass, it makes sense to fit glass in here, especially since Pyrex comes from Corning, Inc. with its ceramic cousins. Glass is always going to be more durable than ceramic, however, it shows scratching much worse than ceramic does. However, like ceramic, it sounds like there are ways to remove these scratches if you wanted to. I have a few colored glass plates that are really fun, but boy are they scratched! I am most familiar with brands like Libbey, ARC International, and Anchor Hocking and they are all very reputable and affordable options.

Anchor Hocking Oneida glass dinnerware

Ceramic Dinnerware and Bakeware Basics

Buying Ceramic Dinnerware and Bakeware